The Secondary School consists of five grades (VI – X) with one single class in each grade.

Subjects offered to Secondary Students

  1. Nepali
  2. English
  3. Science
  4. Mathematics
  5. Social Studies
  6. Environment, Population and Health (EPH)
  7. Computing


Nepali is one of the key subjects in KUHS, being compulsory from class 1 to class 10. The Nepali department has set the following objectives to develop the standard of Nepali language, literature and communication skills.

  • To make the Nepali curriculum contextual
  • To transfer knowledge to learners bearing in mind the requirements for entering higher education
  • To enable learners to acquire grammatical skills through activity based learning
  • To encourage vocabulary acquisition and creative writing development
  • To initiate discussion on cultural, economic, and social issues
  • To enrich the teaching of Nepali by keeping up to date with new methods

In the Nepalese context the commonly used evaluation method is taking paper and pencil examinations either four times or three times a year, and the final one has the highest weight. Students get 75 % written and 25 % listening and speaking test in Secondary English. So if any learner in spite of their hard work fails to appear in the final exams or fares those badly, they have to suffer. Therefore, it is a high time to adopt more student centred approaches, and KUHS does so. For example, we have started assessing the marks from learners’ coursework, homework, organization, presentation, participation and efforts for reading, writing and speaking all over the year to create win-win situations for both teachers and students. As well as up to date course books (Cambridge Express) KUHS students read a variety of English Literature from Shakespeare to post-modern writers in order to enrich their logic, creativity and good skills. At the end of secondary school, students of KUHS should:

• achieve higher grades in IELTS, TOEFL, A-Levels and other national and international examinations
• possess standard spoken English
• be able to produce sound discussion essays
• be able to use imaginative and innovative ideas
• believe in their thinking, reading, writing and speaking abilities
• have an appreciation for books, movies, arts and poetry
• possess a broad-based foundation for further study in language and literature

Today, it is necessary for everyone to possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to continue their scientific activities in our life, in which the scientific and technological developments are formed. Science classes play an important role for students in acquiring this knowledge. Science teaching in KUHS enhances such knowledge and also focuses on logical thinking, creative thinking and analytical thinking. To increase student success in Science classes, the following methodologies have been in use:

• Activities
• Demonstrations
• Group work
• Peer work
• Practical
• Project work
• Field visit

Students are assessed continuously on the basis of homework, class work, project work, practical and written work. Besides these, students are also evaluated through the presentation of challenging problems where they have to project their existing knowledge.

Today, it is obligatory for individuals to possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to continue their scientific and social activities in social life, in which the scientific and technological, social and cultural developments are formed. Mathematics classes play an important role for students in acquiring this knowledge and those skills in schools. Mathematics is a branch of science which enhances the development of behaviour such as logical thinking, being able to make right decisions, reaching the correct conclusions, being able to communicate effectively, being able to make generalizations, and thinking creatively, which are necessary in solving various problems we face in our daily lives. To increase student’s success in mathematics classes, the use of different methods and techniques that help in achieving more effective and permanent learning has been implemented.

Learning Methodology

  • Most of the time, students learn in pairs within a group of students.
  • Each student is required to explain to his or her partner, solving a worked-out example in which the student has gained expertise on the previous lesson and to listen to the explanations given by the partner on how to deal with the worked-out example on a new lesson.
  • Each student is required to solve a problem similar to the previous worked out example that the student’s partner has explained to the student, and is entitled, if necessary, to ask the partner who already tackled the problem for help in solving it.
  • After completing the work on a pair, students change partners within the group. This move gives each group member an opportunity to act in the role of both student and teacher.
  • Maximum use of teaching materials dividing into three categories like concrete (solid-objects), semi-concrete (figures) and symbolic (notations/symbols).
  • Evaluating the students by preparing the questions based on skills, understanding, and problem solving.

The Humanities are those studies that provide understanding of mankind’s way of living, the basic needs of man, the activities in which he engages to meet his needs, the institutions he creates, the past by which he ensures the living present and future, the economy and international relations. Social Studies deals with the study of man and with his environment and the aim of this subject is to prepare bona fide, humble, sincere, dedicated, energetic, patriotic and farsighted citizens.

To fulfill these aims different student centered methods and technique are applied to teach the Social Studies in KUHS. The teaching of lessons encompasses a wide range of classroom activities for understanding the topic and exercises to comprehend the lesson. The teacher motivates students and plays the role of the facilitator to generate creative and innovative ideas and community work, follow-up activities, role play, field-trip, trekking, hiking, observation, exploration of the problems and their appropriate solutions and to develop a sense of responsibility. 

The evaluation system is based on testing knowledge and understanding, and developing practical and research skills, as well as critical thinking and positive attitudes and values. In addition, we use a variety of supplementary materials eg print and electronic medias, maps, globes and library research.

We prepare our own projects which fulfill the aim of KUHS to establish high academic standards.

Environment, Population and Health (EPH)
Today the focus of EPH is not limited only to families, schools and communities, but its scope is considerably widened. The teaching and learning of this subject takes place through a wide variety of methods and styles. The student gains new ideas through different programmes, which are interesting and highly interactive. Students are encouraged to participate in group discussions and the topics are lively, which encourages them to challenge ideas and develop critical thinking. Lectures, discussion classes, project works, trekking programmes, practical works and group work are used.

Evaluation is one of the basic tools to enhance the students’ potentialities. Students are evaluated on the basis of their day to day homework and class work performance. 60% of the marks are given from the homework and class work assessments and the remaining 40% of the marks are added from written exams in September and March. Students are also evaluated by their attitudes and skills towards the learning process.

Computers have become an integral part of the world in which we live, and will be even more so in the world our students will inherit as adults.  In order to succeed in their academic and personal lives students will need to have a facility with the use of PCs, the Internet, on-line services, and databases. Even more importantly, students will need to have the knowledge and skills to adapt to what lies ahead. Our curriculum recognizes the inevitable change in computer technology and as such should be viewed as a fluid, adaptable guideline for study, rather than a fixed set of skills, so we place emphasis on problem based learning and practical work.